Remission of Water Rates for Leakage

Rates Remission for Water Leakage

The objective of the remission policy is to enable the Council to act fairly and reasonably to reduce accounts that are unusually high due to water leakage where there is clear evidence of timely repairs.

Conditions and Criteria

This policy applies only to targeted rates for water consumption.

Up to 100% of water leakage will be remitted unless negligence is shown in regard to timeliness of repair or maintenance of system (i.e. multiple leaks).

Applications under this policy must be in writing and must be made by the ratepayer of the rating unit concerned.


“Water Leakage”:  The difference between the average consumption of the property and the consumption over and above that average.

“Average consumption”:  The average of the previous four billing periods charged to the customer.

Detecting Water Leaks - Find out more about how to detect a water leak, including suggestions about how to test for leaks.


The delegated authority for this policy is set out in the Delegations Register.

Apply for water rates remission

To apply for water rates remission, complete the application form below.

Fill out my online form.

Printable form

If for any reason you are unable to use the electronic application above, the printable form below is available as an alternative option.

Water Leak Rates Remission Application Form - (PDF, 424 KB)