Climate change icons and mum with her baby.

Climate Change

Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua
As man disappears from sight, the land remains

We want to show leadership by considering climate change in all of our decisions, and throughout our work across the district.

We want to support our communities by ensuring that the infrastructure and services we provide promote resilience - the ability to recover quickly from difficulties.

We are a Toitū carbonreduce® certified organisation in line with ISO 14064-1, learn more about this certification.

Council's Energy Management Programme banner


Regular updates on the Climate Change Project are included on the public agenda for Projects and Services meetings, which usually occur every seven weeks.

We have a number of projects completed or underway as part of our Climate Change Project, our case studies will highlight the results and provide further information.

We've put together some handy resources for you to learn more about climate change and the likely impacts on our region.

These reports summarise the progress made towards the targets, goals and actions outlined in our climate change strategy and six action plans.

To ensure that we continue to advocate for our communities, the Council regularly makes submissions to central and regional-level processes.

Our energy management programme aims to identify, implement, and monitor opportunities for energy savings and emission reductions.

We commissioned a community carbon footprint for the district, looking at the 2020/21 financial year. This will help us understand how much greenhouse gas emissions our district discharges.

Responding to the impacts of climate change on the district and doing our bit to reduce future climate change is the responsibility of each of us, individually and collectively.

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What is the Whakatāne District Council doing about climate change?

Climate change is a key strategic issue for the Council. The Whakatāne District Plan gives particular regard to the effects of climate change, and climate change is a key priority in the Long Term Plan 2018-28. Climate change is identified as a planning assumption and a risk in the Infrastructure Strategy 2018-48 - (PDF, 2.7 MB).

In 2017, we signed the New Zealand Local Government Leaders' Climate Change Declaration. This committed us to put into place ambitious action plans to reduce GHG emissions, and to build the ability of our organisation and the community to recover quickly from difficulties.

In September 2019, we adopted a set of climate change principles to guide our decision-making and support our future work. 

In September 2020, continuing the work set by the principles, we adopted a climate change strategy and six action plans. The strategy, together with the action plans, is our roadmap for reaching our climate change targets and show the specific steps we will take to get there. 

We have several projects completed or underway which are related to mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. Expand the headings below for a list of some of these projects.

  • We have completed an Energy Audit of all Council sites and are working to reduce electricity use
  • We have been certified under the CEMARS (Certified Emissions Measurement and Reduction Scheme) programme, by measuring and committing to reduce our carbon emissions
  • We support community-led groups Greenprint and Waste Zero Whakatāne 
  • We are moving to electronic systems and expanding online services provided
  • We are installing a number of water and wastewater meters at households and pump stations for efficient management and leak reduction
  • We recycle used concrete and reuse seal chip where possible in our roading projects
  • We have installed LED street-lights and some solar-powered traffic signs
  • We have built a greenwaste processing site so greenwaste doesn’t need to be transported out of the District
  • We partner with Waste Education Ltd. to support waste education in schools
  • We are working on a Development Strategy which will take into account flood levels and sea-level rise
  • We have rules for relocatable dwellings and weather-resilient development in the District Plan
  • We are reviewing the management of urban stormwater systems in Whakatāne (Whakatāne Stormwater 2050)
  • We undertake future-proof storm damage repairs
  • We encourage soft engineering approaches for development and rehabilitation works (e.g. swales and rain gardens)
  • We offer discounted building consent fees where solar energy is incorporated in design
  • We have undertaken a survey of floor-levels of existing houses to model the risk of flooding
  • We are upgrading the Whakatāne Water Treatment Plan to manage salinity during high tide
  • We took part in a Local Government New Zealand study into the economic impact of sea-level rise on council assets
  • We are developing the Active Whakatāne strategy to promote a healthier, safer and more active lifestyle for our District 

We acknowledge that the future is uncertain. However, as we learn more about climate change and how it will impact us as an organisation and a community, we will continue to take steps to ensure that the Whakatāne District remains the place of choice to live, work, and play for generations to come.