Edgecumbe wastewater system inspections

Following the recent pipe cleaning programme, work is about to start on condition assessment of the Edgecumbe wastewater system.

The project, which will take up to three months, involves using a special camera to view the inside of the sewer pipes. The work can be carried out without any interruption to wastewater services.
Results from the inspections will provide valuable information about the wastewater network, and allow Council's Three Waters staff to plan future maintenance.

A remotely-controlled camera is introduced to the pipe through manholes at various locations on the network. Some of the manholes are located within private property. Council staff will contact householders directly by letter to arrange access to the property if that's required.

Similar inspections have been carried out in Tāneatua and Murupara in recent months.

The wastewater condition assessment programme received support from the Provincial Growth Fund through the Kia Kaha Whakatāne programme to provide employment opportunities for local people, including those affected by the economic impacts of COVID-19.

First posted: 

Thursday, 25 March 2021 - 1:35pm