Shaping our tomorrow - ngā rā anamata

Long Term Plan 2018-28

2018-28 Long Term Plan - Mahere Roanga This is the Council's Long Term Plan for the ten years 2018-28. It was adopted in June 2018 and superseded in July 2021 by the Long Term Plan 2021-31.

Long Term Plan 2018-28 - full document - (PDF, 14.2 MB)

Long Term Plan 2018-28 - summary document - (PDF, 7.5 MB)

A breakdown of each section of the full LTP document is available below.

Introduction to the LTP - (PDF, 1.8 MB)

This includes a personal introduction to the LTP from Mayor Tony Bonne and information about the role of the LTP.

Our Direction - Te aronga whakamua - (PDF, 3 MB)

An outline of the vision, community outcomes and principles guiding the Council's work and this Long Term Plan.

Our Policies and Strategies - Ngā kaupapa here me ng ā rautaki - (PDF, 2.7 MB)

This chapter provides a number of policy and strategy documents that have been developed in support of the LTP.

Our Work in Detail - Ngā taipitopito mahi - (PDF, 5.8 MB)

This chapter sets out our intended activities. Within each activity, detail on the proposed level of service and key projects has been provided. This chapter also contains information on our Council Controlled Organisation (CCOs).

Our Costs in Detail - Ngā taipitopito utu - (PDF, 2.6 MB)

This section outlines in more detail our financial information, including our capital and operational expenditure and also our Revenue and Financing Policy, significant accounting policies, financial prudence benchmarks and all about rates.
