Plan Change 3 - Matters of Control

Plan Change 3 consisted of 17 separate changes to activities in the District Plan.  Plan Change 3 updated eight activities which did not have assessment criteria or matters of control against them. Assessment criteria and matters of control are necessary to ensure a resource consent application has standards to assess it against and ensure the activity does not create significant negative environmental effects, and to be able to create conditions that reduce any negative effects to an acceptable level.

The activities include:

  • Four or more dwellings per lot (four plus housings, sleepouts, units etc on a property)
  • Accessory buildings not for habitation (garages, sheds, work studio etc)
  • Papakāinga housing (housing on multi-owned Māori land) 
  • Places of assembly (anywhere with the intention of people getting together for cultural, entertainment or recreation - halls, churches, club rooms marae, funeral homes, art galleries etc)
  • Emergency services facilities – police stations etc
  • Carparking
  • Sand, aggregate, gravel or pumice exploration
  • Subdivision and Esplanade requirements for subdivision (strips of land around lakes, rivers etc that have to be given to the public when a subdivision is done for land next to them)

What's happened? 

We received four submissions during the have your say period. These were from:

  • Whakatāne District Council
  • Forest & Bird
  • Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ)
  • Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)

A further submission was received from:

  • Events Promotions Initiatives Community Whakatāne Town Centre (EPIC).

The Hearings Panel deliberated and made decisions on Plan Change 3. Several changes were made in response to submissions. The details can be found in the Decision Report of the Hearings Panel and the Tracked Changes Following Decision documents.

Decisions have been made and were notified on 2 September 2021.

Appeals were open until 15 October 2022 and no appeals were received.

Plan Change 3 was incorporated into the District Plan and made Operative (live) on 27 January 2023.

If you want to discuss any of the proposed changes, please contact the Council on 07 306 0500 or email


As proposed


Further Submissions

