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Tap into discovery... instantly read, listen, and watch with your library card.

Stream and download books, movies, music and more with Hoopla

The popular on-demand streaming service Hoopla Digital is now available for free to all members of Whakatāne Libraries. Choose from more than a million movies, TV programmes, comics, music albums, eBooks and eAudiobooks. Hoopla works in a web browser, on Android and iPhone devices, and smart TVs!

To use Hoopla you will need:

  • To be a member of Whakatāne Libraries with a valid library card number and PIN
  • A computer, smartphone, smart TV or tablet with an internet connection
  • The Hoopla app or a web browser to access the Hoopla website.

Download the Hoopla app for iPhone/iPad »

Download the Hoopla app for Android »

Using Hoopla


The hoopla app is available for iOS and Android devices.

  1. Download the free Hoopla app from the Apple or Play store
  2. Choose Don’t have an account? Sign up
  3. Enter your email address and create a password, and choose Next
  4. Search for Whakatāne Libraries and choose Agree
  5. Allow Hoopla to exchange information with the library and choose Next
  6. Enter your library card number and PIN
  7. Choose Continue

Once you’ve created your account, you will only need to log in with your email and password.

How to hoopla on iOS, Android and Kindle - (PDF, 887 KB)


  1. Go to the Hoopla webpage
  2. Choose Get Started
  3. Choose Let’s Go!
  4. Select Whakatāne Libraries and choose Next
  5. Enter your library card number and PIN, agree to the terms and conditions and choose Next
  6. Enter your email address and create a password, and choose Complete Registration

Once you've created your account, you will only need to log in with your email and password.

Using Hoopla on your TV

Hoopla works on both Android and Apple TV, you’ll just need to download the Hoopla app. When you open Hoopla for the first time, you’ll be guided through the process of connecting your Hoopla account. If you cannot download the app directly to your TV, you can cast from a mobile device using Google Chromecast or Apple Airplay.

Alternatively, connect your computer via HDMI cable and stream your items through the Hoopla website. You can also connect your iPad or iPhone using an official Apple Lightning to Digital AV Adapter.

Search and Borrow

Search for audiobooks, eBooks, comics, music, movies and TV, then borrow a title by clicking on the title’s icon and choosing Borrow.

Stream or Download

Stream the item or download it to your device to hear, read, or watch it. You’ll need to download it if you plan on enjoying your item without wifi.

Hoopla guidelines

Check Outs

Borrow up to 10 items each month.

Lending period

  • Movies – Three days (some exceptions may apply)
  • Television programmes – Three days (some exceptions may apply)
  • Music – Seven days
  • eBooks and eAudiobooks – 21 days
  • Graphic Novels – 21 days


You can renew items, but a renewal will count as one of your 10 loans. You'll have the option to renew 24 hours before your item is due to return itself.


Expired items return themselves, so you don’t need to return them manually. You can return items early if you would like to, though this won’t free up one of your monthly borrowing credits. The 10 loan limit is a monthly total, not a limit for maximum titles at a time.

Need more help?

Need help learning how to stream and download Hoopla content? The Hoopla website has a great Help section, or feel free to contact us at the library:

  • Phone 07 306 0509
  • Email library@whakatane.govt.nz - please include your name and daytime phone number.
  • Come to the library and ask for help at our front desk