Filling of Two Extraordinary Vacancies Galatea-Waiōhau Subdivision – Murupara Community Board

At the Murupara Community Board meeting on Monday, 24 February 2020, the following resolutions were passed to fill the two extraordinary vacancies that resulted from no nominations being received for these two positions at the 2019 local body election and subsequent by-election.

The resolutions were:

That the extraordinary vacancies be filled by appointment with the criteria being based on the persons being qualified electors, being representative within the Galatea-Waiōhau subdivision and being active within these communities.

That Shaun Bicknell and Bella (Ngapera) Rangiaho be appointed to fill the extraordinary vacancies on the Murupara Community Board.

These resolutions have been made in accordance with section 117a of the Local Electoral Act 2001.

A Murupara Community Board meeting will be held at 10 am on Monday, 9 March 2020 at the Murupara Service Centre, Civic Square Murupara to confirm the two appointments.

First posted: 

Monday, 2 March 2020 - 2:26pm