Delay to rates invoices: Your first rates invoice is due to be paid by 5pm on Friday, 20 September 2024.

Due to unique and unavoidable delays with the Long Term Plan 2024-34 adoption, there are changes to the first quarter rates instalment. The first rates invoice for the 2024/25 financial year has been sent later than usual, which means the due date is also later than usual. Find out more »


We're working hard to deliver quality facilities and services while keeping rates as affordable as possible through prudent financial management.

Councils are expected to deliver more, meet higher standards and achieve a wider range of outcomes for communities than ever before. This means that costs, and rates, continue to increase over time. We’ve worked to keep our budgets as affordable as possible, while also funding important work for the future of communities.

Rates make up the biggest portion of how we’re funded. We aim to get money from other sources where we can, to help reduce the cost to ratepayers. During the next 10 years we expect around 65.5% of revenue to come from rates. Other funding sources include subsidies, grants, financial assistance rates and government partnerships, and fees and charges

Further information on rates can be found in the Long Term Plan and in the Annual Plan.

If your address is changed or your property has changed ownership, and this is not reflected in our database, you are required to supply us with your new details. Please contact us for more information.


Rates can be paid in a variety of ways, including cash, EFTPOS, direct debit, phone banking and internet banking.

Use the Property Search (also known as Rating Information Database) to find out rates information about a property.

A ratepayer is the person who is named in the rating information database and the District valuation roll as owning the property. This must be the name of the person/s on the certificate of title. It is a legal requirement to inform Council of any change of ownership.

Rates are charged in a number of different categories to enable the Council to deliver essential services to the community.

Rates are based on a valuation of the property. The Council contracts Quotable Value to perform three-yearly property revaluations to reflect changing market values. The valuations are a snapshot of the market as at 1 September the year of revaluation.

This page describes how water consumption rates are set and charged in Whakatāne District.

The Rates Rebate Scheme provides a rebate for low income earners. You need to apply to Whakatāne District Council, who have authority to process applications.

Remission of rates involves reducing the amount owing or waiving collection of rates altogether. Find information on the various types of rates remission available.