Sun setting over Whakatane Town

Climate Change 101

We've put together some handy resources for you to learn more about climate change and the likely impacts on our region.

Climate Change E-Learning Hub

We’ve created a Climate Change E-Learning Hub with heaps of information and resources that cover a variety of climate change-related topics.

There are four modules to explore:

These modules have been designed to be a source of accurate and engaging information on climate change. The material includes YouTube clips, TED Talks, scientific articles, academic research, recent publications and reports.

Disclaimer: The information included in this e-learning hub has been compiled by Whakatāne District Council to guide us, and our communities, on a learning and development journey. The Council does not own, and is not the author of, most of the content included in this hub. The Council has compiled content believed to be relevant, engaging and wherever possible, provide a local context. More information regarding Council’s climate change project, including our principles and current engagement opportunities, can be found on our project page.

What is climate change?

Earth's atmosphere is made up of oxygen, a large amount of nitrogen and a small percentage of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide and methane. GHGs act like a blanket around the Earth. They trap warmth from the sun and make life on Earth possible. Without them, too much heat would escape and the surface of the planet would freeze. However, increasing the concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere causes the Earth to heat more and the climate to change.

The climate has changed throughout history. However, the planet is experiencing a warming trend that is significant because it is extremely likely to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th century. The warming is happening faster than has been seen in recent history.

Learn more about climate change's impact on the Bay of Plenty by reading the Bay of Plenty Regional Council and NIWA report - (PDF, 13.6 MB) or check out this great video from Bay of Plenty Regional council.

What are the likely impacts of climate change?

In New Zealand, changes in climate – such as temperature and rainfall – are already occurring. Based on the latest climate projections for New Zealand, by the end of this century we are likely to experience:

  • higher temperatures
  • rising sea levels
  • more frequent extreme weather events 
  • a change in rainfall patterns

These changes will vary by region and will impact agriculture and other climate-sensitive industries, our native ecosystems, infrastructure, health and biosecurity, as well as having broader social and economic impacts.

Learn more about what these changes might mean.

The Bay of Plenty Region and Whakatāne District are already vulnerable to natural hazards including flooding, coastal inundation, and land subsidence (the sinking or settling of the ground’s surface). Climate change is likely to make the consequences of these hazards worse.

Learn more about how climate change could affect the Bay of Plenty.

What can I do about climate change?

Climate change impacts us all, and we need to respond at a global, national, local, and individual level. We need to mitigate climate change (reduce the emission of GHGs), and adapt to the impacts we are already seeing by changing the way we live and do things. The worst effects of climate change can be mitigated if GHG emissions are reduced to net zero over the course of this century.

Learn more about what you can do about climate change.